Module 2: Emotions – Preparing for a new project

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The Story

The Kip crewmembers are still sitting on rocks by the lake, studying the message. They’re wondering what this mission really means. Soca feels that making a moving machine is a really big and slightly scary task. And the gala sounds terribly exciting. But by working together, the crew believes they can cope with this challenge! Especially now that they’ve recruited a bunch of eager assistants to help them in their construction project. (Thank you, students!) Smeek has sent them missions before, and Tuka, Maco, Waaba and Soca have discovered that you always learn something new when you work together to solve problems.  Not just about yourself, but also about others. And besides, trying out things together is a lot of fun!

So the happy and excited Kip crew head for Maco’s house. The best place to build the machine will be somewhere where they can find all kinds of material that can be recycled. By the way, did you know that Maco always saves everything! He can’t bear to part with anything.

But oh no, Maco is embarrassed to open his front door. There’s a terrible mess inside. All the things left over from his last construction project are still scattered higgledy-piggledy all over the house. As Maco’s friends step inside, they try to avoid his junk traps. There are lots of emotions in the air. The mess doesn’t bother Waaba! She gracefully floats above everything, already happily dreaming of the sparkling gala event. Maco is more annoyed with Waaba’s constant daydreaming than with the actual mess! He wants everyone to focus on the essentials and stay in the moment. Tuka is showing off her skills again. Soca is feeling anxious about both the jumble of things and the jumble of emotions. He tries to hang back on the stairs outside.

“Maco, you’re a right mucky pup!” Tuka shouts angrily. (Oops! That was a mistake!) Maco feels sad and hurt, and starts to cry. Before Tuka realises that she has made a mistake, Waaba has already run over to comfort Maco. “Oh dear, it’s nothing to worry about! It’s true that everything is all higgledy-piggledy in here, but there are nicer ways of saying that you need to tidy up!”
Maco’s friends are right. They need to clean up the mess before they can start any kind of new construction project at Maco’s house. They won’t be able to find the materials they need unless they tidy up the mess and put everything back in its proper place. Waaba shouts: “Hey Soca, where are you? Come inside! We need your superpower. A little tornado would come in handy right now!”

Soca is delighted at the suggestion and springs into the house, sending a mini tornado into the living room. He steers the whirlwind so skilfully that all the things end up in a neat pile in the middle of the floor. Now it’s easy to put them back in their proper place.

Tuka’s anger has subsided as quickly as it started. She has also realised that she needs to say sorry for her nasty words, and her apology has made Maco feel better. Tuka proudly takes up the reins and leads the team into action. Her strength is now required to organise the heavy objects. Maco is also surprised how quickly dreamy Waaba has managed to make the whole kitchen sparkling clean. Not a dirty dish in sight! Maco has made his bed and organised the shoes in the hallway into a neat row.

Discussion tips

1) What sort of emotions are there? How can you tell if you’ve made someone else feel bad? Why is it important to pay attention to other people’s feelings? How can you let your emotions out and deal with them? What things make you happy and put you in a good mood?

2) Why is it important to clean up after your last project before you start a new one?

Game: “Waaba’s emotion game 

As the music plays, the players walk around the room. When the music stops, the leader shouts out an emotion: sadness, hate, happiness, fear, satisfaction, etc. The players must then freeze and use body language to express that emotion.

Exercise: “Maco’s housework bingo”

Print out one bingo board for each team. The bingo board contains a total of nine household chores. First discuss the chores together, and then share them out between the team members. Also remember to return to the household chores and events in the story.

Suggestion for pre-school cooperation: “Emotional pantomime”

In pairs or teams. One student takes an emotion card and then acts out that emotion without using any sounds or words. Their partner or other team members must guess what the emotion is.  Print out the emotion cards from the material pack!

Suggestion for mentoring cooperation: “An emotional guide for my robot friend”

You can find a ready-prepared emotional grid in the material pack. You should also use the emotional pantomime cards for this exercise. Split the students into pairs. The mentor will first act as the guide, and picks up an emotion card. The first grader chooses which corner of the grid they want to start from. The mentor’s task is to guide their partner to the image on the grid that matches the emotion shown on the card. They should give clear instructions, one at a time.(For example, one step forwards. Turn left. Two steps forwards. Turn right. And so on.) Tip: You can start the coding exercise by using the same clear instructions to guide your partner from their seat to perform some task, like washing their hands or sharpening a pencil over the bin.

Oops! That was a mistake!

What mistake did Tuka make? How can you clear up this kind of mistake? Did you make any mistakes during this module’s tasks? What did you learn from your mistake? If a student has made a mistake and learnt from it, they can colour in the  “Oops! Mistake!” sign. Did anyone get a photo or video of their mistake?


Take before and after pictures of the household chores! Store them in your own learning portfolio. Did you learn anything new during this module?


1) Housework bingo. Photograph, draw or write about the household chores that you did. Tip: Take before and after pictures.  Ask your parents to check the results of your work. When you’ve completed a chore, you can cross it off on the bingo board.

2) Bring some round lids or caps from home (such as jar lids, milk carton caps, round lids from plastic tubs).

Message for parents

“During the second module, we practiced emotional skills and got some household chores to do for homework. We shared out the tasks from our housework bingo among the members of our small team. You can help us by checking the results of our work! Now that we’ve completed the tasks and exercises for this module, we can bring more recycled materials from home for our machine. This time, we need all kinds of round lids and caps (such as jar lids, milk carton caps, round lids from plastic tubs).

CURRICULUM: When doing this module’s activities with your students, you should note the following objectives and content for elementary instruction:

  • TC3 self-care and managing everyday life, emotional skills
  • MA: making observations from a mathematical perspective, writing step-by-step instructions and following instructions

This is based on the Finnish National Curriculum

Everything will be fine as long as we’re all friendly!